Member Benefits and Fees

Hear what Shelia says about
PROP and being a Member.

Click here to join (or renew) today

Membership Application (Fillable .PDF format)


PROP connects, educates, and informs to help you develop and maintain the skills, knowledge, and ability needed to advance your career in the recycling community and ensure a healthy environment for our state. Membership offers a number of benefits including:

  • Our website, email alerts, and newsletters deliver the information and news to keep you current with the latest recycling trends, techniques, and technology.
  • Our nationally-acclaimed certification program, the annual conference, tours, webinars, and workshops help you expand and improve your skills, build your professional network, increase your value to the recycling community and advance your career.
  • We monitor legislative and regulatory activity throughout the state and advocate's with legislators and regulators as needed to ensure a positive environment for recycling.

Members also receive a variety of discounts and exclusive opportunities to participate in the recycling community and PROP.       

Depending on the level of membership:

  • Discounts on registration fees for certification classes, conferences, tours, webinars, and workshops.
  • Full membership in the National Recycling Coalition
  • Opportunities to network and exchange information with both public and private professionals.

Membership Levels & Fees

  • Tier 1 - ($2,000) - Includes 5 Members / Member rates for all PROP classes and events / Access to the PROP Membership Directory / 1/2-page ad in the Annual Conference Booklet / 1 Full Conference Registration ($750 value), or 50% discount on an Exhibit Booth ($525 value) / Members receive all email communications.  {Additional Members beyond 5 may be added for $160 each}
  • Tier 2 - ($600) - Includes 4 Members / Member rates for all PROP classes and events / Access to the PROP Membership Directory / Members receive all email communications.  {Additional Members beyond 4 may be added for $160 each}
  • Tier 3 - ($160) - Includes 1 Member / Member rates for all PROP classes and events / Access to the PROP Membership Directory / Members receive all email communications.
  • Tier 4 - ($75) - Includes 1 Member / Receives all email communications. (Non-Member Rates on all classes and events, No access to members-only sections of the website)

 Click here to join (or renew) today. (online form to pay by credit card)

Membership Application (Fillable .PDF format)

For more information or if you have questions, email [email protected]